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Fieldo/r/is/soDefault Usage
OBR-1 / OBR-5rs/so

Order Control

The combination of OBR-1 and OBR-5 can be configured as order control:


NW*New order
XO*Change Order
not configurednot configuredDelete scheduled datetime
CA*Cancel Order

By default, OBR-5 is not evaluated, but can be configured to specific values. In this case the combination of OBR-1 and OBR-5 must match.

Outgoing: See also  "Sending Obervation Status via ORR / ORU Messages"

OBR-2rsPlacer ID

Outgoing:  Consecutive Number with an alphanumeric prefix, e.g. "CM00001234" or some GUID,.

This can be configured by a fixed length consecutive number, with an arbitrary alphanumeric prefix, e.g. "CM00001234", or an GUID e.g. "36eea93b-bc1b-4769-a84e-4ebeaaaf387e"


OBR-4 contains information about the type of observation which should by executed.

OBR-4-1 is a coded value which must be defined.

OBR-4-2 when incomfing, OBR-4-2 is shown to the user, e.g. "Resting ECG"

OBR-4-1 and OBR-4-2 is requried, other components optional. 

##bitte prüfen - when OBR-4-2 in eingehender Nachricht abweichen zur Konfiguration in "Untersuchung" - welcher Text wird dabei angezeigt - der aus der Konfig, oder der aus der Nachricht?

Outgoing: The software sends OBR-4 as received with the order. 


see OBR-1
Incoming: Flexible text-fields which can be used to show additional information regarding this order to the user.
Incoming: Flexible text-fields which can be used to show additional information regarding this order to the user.
s##to be done, siehe DS-815

Patient Data Logic (ADT)

Patient / Visit Identification


Even this information is transfered with an order - it is stored/updates the visit information. 

Order Status

##bitte einheiten noch prüfen - rechnet er um in cm/m/inch? müsste in OBX-6 stehen

Order Status

The acquired recording may The acquired recording may be processed several times in the software by several users, before it is finally reported. This workflow must be stipulated for the specific customer. 


##bitte nochmal OBX prüfen. Stimmt OBX-25?  

RThe results are entered or automatically generated. 
PThe results are preconfirmed, in general not by an accountable person.
FThe results are confirmed by an accountable person. 

Observation Results (ORU)

As mentioned above, an order / observation may be processed in different steps by different persons. This implies, that it may be send with different observation status several times to hte place, as stipulated for this specific installation and observation type.  The observation gets and internal filler ID as soons as the observation is created. 

In most installations, the manually typed in Report-Text (german "Befund") and a created PDF-File (also base64-embedded) are the most important data of the observation. 


Fieldo/r/is/soDefault Usage
OBX-21)sValue Type (ST, NM, FT, RP, ED)

observation identifier, see below

OBX-3-1 code, OBX-3-2 text/human readable

OBX-51)soobservation value, see below

Observation Result Status. (see above, section "Observation Result Status")

1) Incoming: See section "Orders" above.

Sending specific observation data

custo diagnostic can send specific observation data. The most common one is the manually typed in report or the entire observation as PDF / base64 embedded, but more than hundred specific numeric values can be defined which are described more specific below.

FTAKT_BEFReportFormatted Report


Points to an PDF-File, including path. 



Medical Document (MDM)

Physical Transport
