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Fieldo/r/is/soDefault Usage

Sending Application. 

Incoming: Expected value can be configured (default empty) in custo diagnostic and works as a filter - meaning messages with deviant content in MSH-3 are ignored.

Outgoing: Sending Application, e.g. "CUSTO" can be configured in custo diagnostic.


Sending Facility

Incoming: Expected value can be configured in custo diagnostic and works as a filter - meaning messages with deviant content in MSH-4 are ignored. 

Outgoing: Sending Application, e.g. "CUSTO" can be configured in custo diagnostic. When a tenant system (german "Mandantensystem") is configured, this field contains the information about the tenant. See "Tenant System" above. 


Receiving Application

Incoming: Expected value can be configured (default empty) in custo diagnostic and works as a filter - meaning messages with deviant content in MSH-3 are ignored.

Outgoing: Receiving Application, can be configured (default empty) in custo diagnostic e.g. "HIS".


Receiving Facility

Incoming:  Expected value can be configured in custo diagnostic and works as a filter - meaning messages with deviant content in MSH-3 are ignored.  When a tenant system (german "Mandantensystem") is configured, this field should contain the information about the tenant. See "Tenant System" above. 

Outgoing: Receiving Facility, can be configured (default empty) in custo diagnostic e.g. "HIS".

MSH-7rsDate/Time Of Messagesee HL7 Standard.  ##DTM##

Message Type.  By default, custo diagnostic sends Messagetype^Event^Message-Structure, e.g.  ORU^R01^ORU_R01. 

MSH-10rsMessage Control ID, see HL7 Standard

Version ID (see section General HL7 information)

MSH-13r ##s-Sequence Numbersee HL7 Standard

Accept Acknowledge

see below "Accept / Application Acknowledge"


Application Acknowledge

Receiving: ignored.    Sending: Always set to "NE"

see below "Accept / Application Acknowledge"


Character Set

Receiving messages: custo diagnostic considers the character set specified in MSH-18.

custo diagnostic can be configured to use a specific character set. In general Windows-1252 is used and send out via MSH-18. This one The general setting is used for alle outgoing messages. 


Fieldo/r/is/soDefault Usage

PID-3-1 is used to identify the patient in custo diagnostic.

It must be unique in one custo diagnostic installation, otherwise an appropriate tenant system must be used (see tenant system above).


PID-5-1, PID-5-2, PID-5-3, PID-5-4, PID-5-6:  Family Name, Given Name, Second Name, Suffic, Degree/Title 

Required: PID-5-1

PID-7rsDate of birth

Administrative Sex. Supported Values are F, M, ?? Other Values are interpeted as ... ##zu prüfen##

PID-8-1Decription Shown

PID-11osAddress of the patient
PID-19osSocial Security Number

PV1 - Segment


Fieldo/r/is/soDefault Usage
PV1-2 / PV1-21o

Patient Visit price indicator. ###

PV1-2PV1-21Shown Price Indicator

PV1-3osPatient Visit location (Processed: PV1-3-1, PV1-3-2, PV1-3, PV1-3-4, PV1-3-5, PV1-3-7, PV1-3-8,  PV1-3-9 (not supported PV1-3-6)

Visit-ID. The visit id is used to identify the visit in custo diagnostic It must be unique in one custo diagnostic installation, otherwise an appropriate tenant system must be used (see "tenant system" above).

PV1-44o-Admission Date: custo diagnostic can store this information, even it is not shown in the user interface.  Its done for future usage.
PV1-45o-Discharge Date/Time: custo diagnostic can store the discharge date/time to filter out discharged patients in patient search lists. It can be defined, how custo diagnostic interpretes an empty discharge date/time - either als missing, unknown information, or as the information, that the discharge date should be deleted in custo diagnostic. 


Fieldo/r/is/soDefault Usage
OBR-1 / OBR-5rs/so

Order Control

The combination of OBR-1 and OBR-5 can be configured as order control:


NW*New order
XO*Change Order
not configurednot configuredDelete scheduled datetime
CA*Cancel Order

By default, OBR-5 is not evaluated, but can be configured to specific values. In this case the combination of OBR-1 and OBR-5 must match.

Outgoing: See also  "Sending Observation Status via ORR / ORU Messages"

OBR-2rsPlacer ID

Outgoing:  Consecutive Number with an alphanumeric prefix, e.g. "CM00001234" or a GUID,.

This can be configured by a fixed length consecutive number, with an arbitrary alphanumeric prefix, e.g. "CM00001234", or an GUID e.g. "36eea93b-bc1b-4769-a84e-4ebeaaaf387e"

OBR-4-1 / -2rs

OBR-4-1/OBR-4-2 contains information about the type of observation which should by executed.

OBR-4-1 is a coded value which must be defined/agreed between interface partner.

OBR-4-2 when incoming, OBR-4-2 is shown to the user, e.g. "Resting ECG", must be defined/agreed between interface partner.

OBR-4-1 and OBR-4-2 is required, other components optional. 

Outgoing: The software sends OBR-4 as received with the order. 

OBR-4-4osoAlternate Order ID. This might be an additional id, given bei the ordering system, to handle several observation requests in one common order (ORC).  In DICOM environments, OBR-4-4 is used as Study Instance UID. 

see OBR-1
OBR-7-1isTime of Acquisition
OBR-20osoIncoming: Flexible text-fields which can be used to show additional information regarding this order to the user.
OBR-21osoIncoming: Flexible text-fields which can be used to show additional information regarding this order to the user.
OBR-32-1-2isUser-Account, entering/confirming the report
OBR-36o-Scheduled Date / Time


Fieldo/r/is/soDefault Usage
OBX-21)sValue Type (ST, NM, FT, RP, ED)

observation identifier, see below

OBX-3-1 code, OBX-3-2 text/human readable

OBX-51)sobservation value, see below
OBX-61)sOBX-6-1 empty, OBX-6-2 units

Observation Result Status. (see above, section "Observation Result Status")

1) Incoming: See section "Orders"

Most used OBX-3 Codes:

OBX-2OBX-3-1 (Code)OBX-3-2 (Human Readable Text)OBX-5-1OBX-5-3OBX-5-4
FTAKT_BEFReportFormatted Report, as typed in or automatcially generated by the software


Points to an PDF-File, including path. 

STSTUDYUID_DCMStudy Instance UIDIn combination with DICOM, that Study Instance UID of the DICOM object.


(Use Case: PDF Export)

Fields/soDefault Usage
TXA-2sAlways CD
Always AP
TXA-4-1sAcquisition Time of Evaluation
TXA-6-1sExport Time / Creation Time of Document
TXA-9-2-1sUser-Account, created the report
Filler ID

(Use Case: PDF Export)

Physical Transport
