Versions Compared


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With custo secure it is possible to transfer evaluations from one custo diagnostic server system to another one and to get the data back the same way. A classical example is the practice of a general doctor recording holter ECGs, transferring the data for analysis to a cardiologist and getting back later the processed evaluation with the a report.

For the data transfer a double encrypted connection to a "park" service at the German AWS cloud is used, where only one of the encryption "envelopes" gets removed. This service offers a high availability, with no need for inbound data connections at the customer, but without giving AWS the possibility to read the data.


Yes: You may guess it as it has been always this way: The custo diagnostic server version of the evaluation center must be the same or higher than the versions of all its connected sending practices. The same applies to the client side: The custo diagnostic client versions of all reporting clients of the evaluation center must be the same or higher than the sending custo diagnostic clientclients.


Both sides - the sending server as well as the receiving server - must have internet access to the AWS service. The following URLs are used:


Those URLs are resolved to various changing IPs. The server may either directly fully access those services (for details check at AWS the IP scopes of the S3 service) or the server can use a proxy server having those internet access possibilities.

In case you use a proxy server (only then):

Open the "Configure custo diagnostic server" -Programm program and stop the custo diagnostic server service in the general "General" tab:

Then go to the "Java" tab:

Enter the following lines:


Most important tor custo secure is the definition of the HTTPs proxy. In case the proxy requires user authentication as well you may add as well:

-Dhttp.proxyUser=<Benutzername><user name>
-Dhttps.proxyUser=<Benutzername><user name>

Afterwards go back to the general tab and start the service again

Certificate trust

The custo diagnostic service server (sending practice as well as evaluation center) must trust the certificates of the custo secure AWS service. In most cases this will be the case by default. However, in some cases this may not be the case with an error like the one below:

Log on the server with computer where the custo diagnostic service server is installed installed:.

Open the management console "Computer Certificates" and navigate there to the "Trusted Root Certificates" store. Make sure that a current web browser which uses the operating system certificate store is installed: Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome are known browsers. Open the 2 URLs there: "Amazon Root CA 1" is present.
If not you have to download the certificate "Amazon Root CA 1" (File: "AmazonRootCA1.cer", Distinguished Name: "CN=Amazon Root CA 1,O=Amazon,C=US") from here:
Than you have to import the downloaded certificate to the "Trusted Root Certificates" store. You can right click on the certificate file and select "Import" or import the certificate in the certificate store management tool as well.

Afterwards reboot the operating system of the servercomputer.

Evaluation center setup

Evaluation center account


On top of logical things like name, address and contact data, the field to not take over the doctor's data of the sending practice should be checked: Otherwise, the doctor's info will be overwritten by the sending practice at the first sync.


Please note that the setup file containing a user name and password can only be used once. To get again a valid file go back to the relevant doctor in the evaluation center and , set the data transfer status to deactivated and create the same way as before a new setup file.


Please note that by default the custo daignostic diagnostic service contacts the custo secure service only every 10 minutes. For troubleshooting you may go to Tasks - Scheduler in the service center, mark the datatransfer.execute task and click on the start button at the bottom. This will run the task within the next minute.

In the custo secure admin service you can as well see the last server contact point in time of the reelvant relevant custo diagnostic server, its version then, the comments for telemetry field content and pending files. Check if the status is plausible. Please note that by re-regisering registering the evaluation center or the sending practice custo secure may create a new record - so check twice if you monitor the right record.
