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Table of Contents

Introduction and Architecture

With the satellite system an existing custo diagnostic environment is extended with a further server - the satellite server - which is installed e.g. on a mobile equipment cart. The client installed on the trolley can either connect to the master server (network mode) or to the locally installed satellite server (satellite mode). If In case evaluations are generated in satellite mode, they are transmitted to the master server. Since this is a pure server-to-server communication, neither user interaction nor direct database/file system access is required, as it was in previous versions. For synchronization it is sufficient that the satellite server can establish a network connection - operation of the custo diagnostic client is not required.  It is recommended to check in advance if a satellite functionality is necessary or a reliable WiFi network exists.

Which data is synchronized between master server and satellite server is configurable, so that a variety of application scenarios can be mapped (home visit notebook, mobile equipment cart in the clinic, branch system)



Gliffy Diagram
namecusto diagnostic 5 clinical Satellite Architecture

In many cases, the Satellite Workstation should not always work with the Satellite Server, but in network mode also with the Master Server directly.  In order to make the selection user-friendly for the user, the so-called In vielen Fällen soll auf der Satelliten Arbeitsstation nicht immer mit dem Satelliten-Server gearbeitet werden, sondern auch im Netzwerkmodus auch mit dem Master-Server direkt.  Um für den Anwender die Auswahl benutzerfreundlich zu gestalten, wurde der sogenannte "custo diagnostic starter" entwickelt, mit dem verschiedene Verbindungsmöglichkeiten dargestellt und ausgewählt werden können. Da dies eine Vollbild-Anwendung, bietet sich dies für Systeme an, die nicht für andere Anwendungen genutzt werden. Näheres zum custo diagnostic starter erhalten Sie auf der folgenden Seite:  custo diagnostic starter.

In many cases, the Satellite Workstation should not always work with the Satellite Server, but in network mode also with the Master Server directly.  In order to make the selection user-friendly for the user, the so-called "custo diagnostic starter" was developed, with which different connection options can be displayed and selected. Since this is a full-screen application, it is suitable for systems that are not used for other applications. You can find more information about the custo diagnostic starter on the following page: custo diagnostic starter

Preparation / required information

Für eine spätere Installation benötigen Sie

  • Festlegung über Einsatzszenarien und Datensynchronisation ??
  • Lizenz für Master-Server / Satelliten-Server
  • Supervisor Kennwort für Master-Server

For a later installation you need

  • Determination via deployment scenarios and data synchronization
  • License for master server / satellite server
  • Supervisor Password for Master Server

Deployment scenarios and data synchronization

Prior to installation / configuration, the essential cornerstones of the deployment scenario / data synchronization must be defined. The exact configuration depends on the customer's requirements. At this point, we provide decision guidance on the crucial issues. Even if the actual configuration of the synchronization options will be done later, the discussion with the user or the definition of the desired scenario should be done at the beginning, and is therefore already presented here. Later on, only the transfer of the specification into the system takes place. 

The following synchronization options are available - you will find a decision basis for their activation below:

  • Clients: All clients of the master system are downloaded and the corresponding links (users, patients, etc.) are set. Should be used if the master system runs with clients.
  • Doctors: The doctors of the master system are downloaded and the corresponding links are set (users, patients, evaluations). If this feature is used on the master system, it should be synchronized as well.
  • Devices: The devices are downloaded and the corresponding links to the waiting room list entries are set. If this feature is used on the master system, it should be synchronized as well.
  • Patients: The patients and their attributes are synchronized.
  • Orders: The orders are synchronized, therefore it is mandatory to synchronize the patients as well.
  • Users: The users are also synchronized, including their passwords.
  • Configuration: The client configuration is synchronized. Also the client configuration of the server.
  • Job status: If the status of a job changes, the master system is informed.
  • Upload evaluations: The evaluations are uploaded and created in the master system. If the patient does not exist in the master system, he will be created (including his doctor). Nothing else is created (orders, devices, etc.)!
  • Delete evaluation after uploading: The delete flag is set at the evaluation after uploading. Deleted evaluations are no longer synchronized with the master system.
  • Print jobs on server
  • Log files of the client system

Synchronisation von Patienten-Stammdaten

Grundsätzlich ist die Frage zu beantworten, ob auf dem Satelliten-System Patienten-Daten vorhanden sein sollen/müssen. In vielen Fällen ist es ausreichend, im Satelliten-Modus EKGs aufzuzeichnen (als sog. "Sofort-EKG"), mit einer Bemerkung zu versehen, und nach einer Synchronisation im Master-System dem entsprechenden Patienten zuzuweisen. Nachteilig ist der Arbeitsschritt des "Zuweisens" im Master-System. Doch der Workflow ist ansonsten sehr einfach, da dies z.B. über entsprechende Kommandozeilenparameter direkt gestartet werden kann. Darüber hinaus steht bei GDT basierten Systemen häufig evtl. der Patient nicht im custo diagnostic System (Hausbesuch) zur Verfügung und es kann auch nicht das Ergebnis per GDT zurück übertragen werden. Auch in großen Praxisverbünden ist häufig gewünscht, nicht alle Patientennamen auf einem System vorzuhalten, dass die Praxis verlässt.

Auch im Krankenhaus muss geprüft werden, ob es sinnvoll ist alle Patientendaten auf den Satelliten zu synchronisieren: Wird mit einem Auftragsworkflow gearbeitet, werden die Patientendaten immer mit einem Auftrag synchronisiert (auch wenn die allgemeine Patientensynchronisation ausgeschaltet ist), wird das System eher als Backup-System für Netzwerk-Ausfälle verwendet, ist man mit dem Sofort-EKG und späterem zuweisen sehr flexibel, weil mit einem Workflow viele Szenarien abgebildet werden können (Master-Server nicht erreichbar, Patientendaten unbekannt, komplett-Ausfall der Infrastruktur). 

Synchronisation von Aufträgen, Mandanten, Ärzten, Geräten

Diese Informationen sollten in der Regel immer synchronisiert werden - auch wenn diese Informationen augenscheinlich nicht betroffen sind.  Der Grund ist, dass Auswertungen immer eine Reihe von Verknüpfungen zu diesen Informationen aufweisen. Liegen diese Informationen im Satelliten-System nicht vor, oder weichen diese aufgrund von manueller Konfiguration ab, kann es zu Inkonsistenzen führen. 

Auswertungen löschen nach Hochladen

Diese Einstellung wird aus technischer Sicht empfohlen. Prinzipiell ist es ein sinnvoller Ansatz, möglichst wenig Daten auf einem mobilen System vorzuhalten. Darüber hinaus vermeidet das Löschen Konfliktsituationen in den Daten.  Wird zum Beispiel eine Auswertung auf dem Satellit bearbeitet und synchronisert, die bereits im zentralen System bereits befundet ist, so wird der Datenstand im zentralen System überschrieben und geht verloren.  Es wird daher empfohlen, die Auswertungen vom Satelliten zu Löschen. 


In der Regel sollten Exporte auch im Rahmen eines Satelliten-Systems vom Master-Server durchgeführt werden. 

Konfiguration herunterladen

Eine zentrale Konfiguration - bzw. das Herunterladen der Konfiguration vom Masterserver bewirkt, dass die Arbeitsplatzkonfiguration zunächst identisch ist, unabhängig davon ob der Client im Satelliten- oder im Netzwerkmodus gestartet ist. Dies vereinfacht die Konfiguration, weil sie nur einmal durchgeführt werden muss. 

Synchronization of patient master data

Basically, the question must be answered whether patient data should/must be available on the satellite system. In many cases it is sufficient to record ECGs in the satellite mode (as so-called "instant ECG"), to annotate them and to assign them to the corresponding patient after synchronization in the master system. The disadvantage is the step of "assigning" in the master system. But the workflow is otherwise very simple, since this can be started directly, e.g. via appropriate command line parameters. Furthermore, in GDT-based systems the patient may not be available in the custo diagnostic system (house call) and the result cannot be transferred back via GDT. Even in large practice groups it is often desired not to keep all patient names on a system that leaves the practice.

Also in the hospital it has to be checked if it makes sense to synchronize all patient data on the satellite: If you work with a job workflow, the patient data is always synchronized with a job (even if the general patient synchronization is switched off), if the system is rather used as a backup system for network failures, you are very flexible with the immediate ECG and later assignment, because many scenarios can be mapped with one workflow (master server not accessible, patient data unknown, complete failure of the infrastructure). 

Synchronization of orders, clients, doctors, devices

As a rule, this information should always be synchronized - even if this information is apparently not affected.  The reason is that evaluations always have a number of links to this information. If this information is not available in the satellite system, or if it deviates due to manual configuration, it can lead to inconsistencies. 

Delete evaluations after uploading

This setting is recommended from a technical perspective. In principle, it is a sensible approach to keep as little data as possible on a mobile system. Furthermore, deleting avoids conflict situations in the data.  If, for example, an evaluation is processed and synchronized on the satellite, which has already been evaluated in the central system, the data status in the central system is overwritten and lost.  It is therefore recommended to delete the evaluations from the satellite. 

Server export

As a rule, exports should also be performed by the master server within a satellite system. 

Download configuration

A central configuration - or downloading the configuration from the master server - means that the workstation configuration is initially identical, regardless of whether the client is started in satellite or network mode. This simplifies the configuration because it only has to be done once. 

Mögliche Einsatzszenarien  Possible application scenarios




zu setzende Optionen




"Sofort-EKG"  als Backup-System (Netzwerkausfall) sowie Situationen bei denen Patientendaten nicht verfügbar. 

"Immediate ECG" as a backup system (network failure) and situations where patient data is not available. 


  • Download Tenants
  • Download Users
  • Download Devices
  • Download Configuration
  • Upload Evaluations
  • Delete Evaluations after Upload



  • Der Anwender startet die custo diagnostic im "Sofort-EKG" Modus, d.h. es wird ohne Anmeldung die Ruhe-EKG Aufzeichnung gestartet.
  • Nach Aufzeichnung gibt der Anwender eine Freitext-Bemerkung ein, die eine spätere Zuordnung zu einem Patienten ermöglicht.
  • Die Aufzeichnung wird automatisch, baldmöglichst vom Satelliten-System zum Master-Server synchronisert. 
  • Im Master-System wird das Sofort-EKG einem Patienten/Auftrag zugeordnet und geöffnet, und von da an im üblichen Arbeitsprozeß verarbeitet.

Nachteilig ist der Arbeitsschritt des "Zuweisens" im Master-System. Doch der Workflow ist ansonsten sehr einfach, da dies z.B. über entsprechende Kommandozeilenparameter direkt gestartet werden kann. Darüber hinaus steht bei GDT basierten Systemen häufig evtl. der Patient nicht im custo diagnostic System (Hausbesuch) zur Verfügung und es kann auch nicht das Ergebnis per GDT zurück übertragen werden. Auch in großen Praxisverbünden ist häufig gewünscht, nicht alle Patientennamen auf einem System vorzuhalten, dass die Praxis verlässt. Dadurch, dass keine Patientendaten auf dem System vorhanden sind, ist auch keine Anmeldung erforderlich. 

Work flow:

  • The user starts custo diagnostic in the "immediate ECG" mode, i.e. the recording of the resting ECG is started without login.
  • After recording, the user enters a free text comment that allows later assignment to a patient.
  • The recording is synchronized automatically, as soon as possible from the satellite system to the master server. 
  • In the master system, the immediate ECG is assigned to a patient/order and opened, and from then on it is processed in the usual work process.
    The disadvantage is the step of "assigning" in the master system. However, the workflow is otherwise very simple, as this can be started directly, for example, via appropriate command line parameters. Furthermore, in GDT-based systems the patient may not be available in the custo diagnostic system (house call) and the result cannot be transferred back via GDT. Even in large practice groups it is often desired not to keep all patient names on a system that leaves the practice. As there is no patient data on the system, no registration is necessary. 



"Home Visiting Laptops"


  • Download Patients
  • Upload Evaluations
  • Delete Evaluations after Upload (optional)


Konfiguriert ein ganz simples System, das nur die Patienten aus dem Zentralsystem zieht und bei bestehender Verbindung die Auswertungen wieder hochsynchronisiert.

Sinnvoll zum Beispiel bei den sogenannten "Hausbesuchs"-Laptops, bei denen typischerweise ein Hausarzt zu Patienten nach Hause, oder in ein Heim fährt und dort Blutdruck misst und eine Lungenfunktion durchführt, oder auch das LZ-EKG direkt einliest.
Bei der Rückkehr in die Praxis landen diese Auswertungen dann im Hauptsystem und können befundet und abgerechnet werden.

Aktiviert man noch "Löschen nach Hochladen" wird der Laptop auch "gesäubert" und beinhaltet danach keine wichtigen Daten mehr.

Configures a very simple system that only pulls patients from the central system and synchronizes the evaluations again when a connection is established.

Useful, for example, for so-called "home visit" laptops, where a family doctor typically visits patients at home, or drives to a home to measure blood pressure and perform lung function, or reads the LZ ECG directly.
When returning to the practice, these evaluations then end up in the main system and can be reported and billed.

If "Delete after upload" is activated, the laptop is also "cleaned" and no longer contains any important data.


Einfacher mobiler Workflow

Simple mobile workflow
"ECG recorder replacement"


  • Download Worklist Orders
  • Upload Order Status
  • Upload Evaluations
  • Delete Evaluations after Upload (optional)


Konfiguriert ein System mit dem man "nur" die Wartezimmerlisteneinträge samt Patienten synchronisiert bekommt. Alle Auswertungen und Order-Status werden hochsynchronisiert.

Aktiviert man noch "Löschen nach Hochladen" ist der Satellit nach der Synchronisation immer sauber

In dieser Konfiguration muss / kann der Satellit unabhängig vom zentralen System konfiguriert werden

Dummy-EKG Auswertungen können ebenfalls erzeugt und hochsynchronisiert werden

Configures a system that "only" synchronizes the waiting room list entries with the patients. All evaluations and order statuses are highly synchronized.

If you activate "Delete after upload" the satellite is always clean after synchronization

In this configuration the satellite must / can be configured independently from the central system

Dummy ECG evaluations can also be generated and highly synchronized


Geführter mobiler Workflow ohne Mandanten
"Konfiguration über Zentrale"

Guided mobile workflow without clients
"Configuration via central"Guided mobile workflow without clients
"Configuration via central"


  • Download Users
  • Download Configuration
  • Download Worklist Orders
  • Upload Order Status
  • Upload Evaluations
  • Delete Evaluations after Upload (optional)


Erweitert den "EKG-Schreiberersatz" um Benutzer und seine Konfigurationen, die Satelliten können somit zentral konfiguriert werden und die Einstellungen werden an die Satelliten ausgerollt, sobald sie sich synchronisieren

Extends the "ECG recorder replacement" to users and their configurations, so the satellites can be configured centrally and the settings are rolled out to the satellites when they synchronize


Geführter mobiler Workflow mit Mandanten
"Konfiguration über Zentrale"

Guided mobile workflow with clients
"Configuration via central"


  • Download Tenants
  • Download Users
  • Download Configuration
  • Download Worklist Orders
  • Upload Order Status
  • Upload Evaluations
  • Delete Evaluations after Upload (optional)


Erweitert den Workflow um Mandanten

Wichtig: Ist im Zentralsystem ein Mandantensystem konfiguriert, sollte dieses auf den Satelliten identisch konfiguriert werden, da sonst die Zuordnungen nicht mehr funktionieren können

Extends the workflow to clients

Important: If a client system is configured in the central system, it should be configured identically on the satellites, otherwise the assignments can no longer work


Komplettes mobiles Sytstem (mit oder ohne Mandanten)

Complete mobile system (with or without clients)


  • Download Tenants
  • Download Users
  • Download Patients
  • Download Configuration
  • Download Worklist Orders
  • Upload Order Status
  • Upload Evaluations
  • Delete Evaluations after Upload (optional)


Erweitert den Workflow noch um die Synchronisation aller Patienten.

Der Satellit hat dann nach dem Synchronisieren die vollständige Patientendatenbank. Somit kann mit und ohne Aufträge gearbeitet werden, und die Zuordnung zum zentralen System bleibt erhalten.

Extends the workflow to include synchronization of all patients.

The satellite then has the complete patient database after synchronization. This means that work can be carried out with or without orders, and the assignment to the central system is retained.


Filialpraxis / Zweitpraxis

Branch practice / Second practice


  • Upload Evaluations


In diesem Modus werden alle Auswertungen vom "Filialsystem" / "Zweitpraxis" in das Hauptsystem hochgeladen, ohne dass der Anwender sich Gedanken machen muss.

Die Filialsysteme sind vom Hauptsystem unabhängig und interessieren sich nicht für deren Patienten, Benutzer oder die Konfiguration.

Werden Befunde im "Filialsystem" aktualisiert, werden diese ebenfalls hochsynchronisiert und das Hauptsystem hat den aktuellsten Stand aller seiner Filialen

Ersetzt dann die DFÜ-Krücke und andere Bastellösungen

In this mode, all evaluations are uploaded from the "store system" / "secondary practice" to the main system without the user having to worry about them.

The branch systems are independent of the main system and are not interested in their patients, users or configuration.

If findings are updated in the "Branch System", they are also synchronized and the main system has the latest status of all its branches

Replaces then the dial-up crutch and other handicraft solutions

Export und Drucken  Export and printing

In einer vernetzten Umgebung ist der Master-Server mit einer Reihe von Schnittstellen versehen. Das Satelliten-System unterstützt dabei den Server-Export, d.h. es kennzeichnet die Daten die an den Master-Server übertragen werden so, dass diese nach erfolgreicher Synchronisation auch vom Master-Server exportiert werden. Dieses Verfahren ist prinzipiell anzustreben, weil damit die bestehenden Schnittstellen genutzt werden, und nicht mit anderen Parteien über weitere Schnittstellenkonfiguration gesprochen werden muss. 

Bei Druckvorgängen im Satelliten-Modus ergibt sich die Problematik, dass häufig kein Netzwerk vorhanden ist, dass ein Ausdruck vom Satelliten-System ermöglicht. Für Situationen ohne Netzwerk müsste somit auf einen lokalen Drucker zurückgegriffen werden. Vor diesem Hintergrund unterstützt die custo diagnostic im Satelliten-Modus auch den automatischen, späteren Ausdruck vom Masterserver. Ist dieser eingerichtet (CSC → Drucker - Serverdrucker) so kann der Anwender beim Beenden einer Auswertung auf dem Satelliten einen entsprechenden Drucker auswählen. Der Ausdruck erfolgt dann sobald die Synchronisation durchgeführt wurde vom Master-Server. 

In a networked environment, the master server is equipped with a number of interfaces. The satellite system supports the server export, i.e. it marks the data transferred to the master server in such a way that after successful synchronization the data is also exported from the master server. In principle, this procedure should be aimed at, because it allows the existing interfaces to be used and there is no need to discuss further interface configuration with other parties. 

When printing in satellite mode, the problem arises that there is often no network available to enable printing from the satellite system. For situations without network, a local printer would have to be used. Against this background custo diagnostic in satellite mode also supports automatic printing from the master server at a later time. If the master server is configured (CSC → printer - server printer) the user can select an appropriate printer when finishing an evaluation on the satellite. The printout is then generated by the master server as soon as the synchronization has been completed. 

Identische oder Individuelle Satelliten-System Konfiguration   Identical or individual satellite system configuration

Wenn Sie mehrere Satelliten-Systeme an einem Master-Server betreiben, können Sie entscheiden, ob alle Satelliten-Systeme hinsichtlich der vorgenannten Datensynchronisations-Optionen identisch oder alle Systeme unterschiedlich konfiguriert werden können.  Um den administrativen Aufwand gering zu halten wird eine identische Konfiguration empfohlen. 

Bei einer identischen Konfiguration können Sie die Datensynchronisations-Optionen auf dem Server zentral vornehmen. 

Eine individuellen Satelliten-System Konfiguration, nehmen Sie im CSC des Satelliten-Servers vor. (Beim Start des CSC kann die entsprechende URL bzw. der entsprechende Server eingestellt werden). 

If you operate several satellite systems on one master server, you can decide whether all satellite systems can be configured identically with regard to the aforementioned data synchronization options or whether all systems can be configured differently.  To keep the administrative effort low, an identical configuration is recommended. 

With an identical configuration, you can perform the data synchronization options centrally on the server. 

An individual satellite system configuration can be done in the CSC of the satellite server. (When starting the CSC, the corresponding URL or server can be set). 

Lizenzen  Licenses

Mit der Bestellnummer 50711 erhalten Sie alle für den Betrieb eines weiteren Satelliten notwendige Lizenzen.

Diese sind für den Master-Server:

  • Unterstützung eines weiteren Satelliten 
  • 2 weitere Netzwerkarbeitsplatz-Lizenzen. (Eine Lizenz kommt für die Synchronisation zum Einsatz, eine weitere wenn ein Anwender den "Netzwerk-Modus" verwendet. Diese Lizenzen werden automatisch dem Arbeitsplatz fest zugeordnet.)

Für den Satelliten-Server ist enthalten:

  • Lizenz für den Betrieb eines Servers
  • Lizenz für den Betrieb als Sat-Client
  • 2 Netzwerkarbeitsplatz-Lizenzen. (Damit gleichzeitige Nutzung von custo diagnostic manager und Custo Service Center möglich). Diese Lizenzen werden automatisch dem Arbeitsplatz fest zugeordnet.

With the order number 50711 you will receive all licenses necessary for the operation of an additional satellite.

These are for the master server:

  • Support of a further satellite 
  • 2 additional network workstation licenses. (One license is used for synchronization, another if a user is using the "network mode". These licenses are automatically permanently assigned to the workstation).

For the satellite server is included:

  • License for operating a server
  • License for operation as Sat-Client
    2 network workstation licenses. (This allows simultaneous use of custo diagnostic manager and Custo Service Center). These licenses are automatically assigned to the workstation.

Installation und Konfiguration   Installation and configuration

Installation eines custo diagnostic servers auf dem Satelliten PC / Server   Installation of a custo diagnostic server on the satellite PC / server

Installieren Sie den custo diagnostic Server auf dem Satelliten-PC wie eine gewöhnliche Server-Installation. (In der Regel kommt dabei eine mariaDB zum Einsatz).

Nach Einspielen der Lizenzen sollten Sie die Lizenzoption wie folgt sehen können: 

Install the custo diagnostic server on the satellite PC like a normal server installation. (Usually a mariaDB is used).

After installing the licenses you should be able to see the license option as follows: 

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Installieren Sie in gewohnter Weise einen custo diagnostic client auf dem Satelliten PC.

Hinweis: Jeder Satellit muss über einen eindeutigen Arbeitsplatz-Namen verfügen.  Überschreiben Sie daher nicht bei mehreren Satelliten den Arbeitsplatz-Namen mit einem gleichlautenden Namen in der CustoCfg.ini. 

Install a custo diagnostic client on the satellite PC in the usual way.

Note: Each satellite must have a unique workstation name.  Therefore do not overwrite the workstation name with an identical name in the CustoCfg.ini if there are several satellites. 

Einspielen der Satelliten-Optionen auf dem Master-Server  Installing the satellite options on the master server

Nach Einspielen der Lizenzen sollten Sie die Anzahl der Lizenzierten Satelliten-Systeme auf dem Master-Server sehen:

After importing the licenses you should see the number of licensed satellite systems on the master server:

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Konfiguration des Zentralsystems  Configuration of the central system

Eine Konfiguration des Zentralsystems ist nicht zwingend notwendig. Allerdings können hier Voreinstellungen für die Clients gemacht werden. Außerdem ist auf der Seite im CSC ersichtlich, wann welcher Client zuletzt sich synchronisiert hat (4) und man kann sich die Logdateien des Clients anschauen, falls man am Server ist (5).

A configuration of the central system is not absolutely necessary. However, default settings for the clients can be made here. Furthermore, the page in the CSC shows when which client last synchronized (4) and you can look at the log files of the client if you are at the server (5).

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Vorkonfiguration des Clients

Preconfiguration of the client


Ist die Checkbox bei (2) gesetzt so wird auf allen Clients exakt diese Konfiguration gesetzt.

Sollte auf einem Client per Hand eine andere Konfiguration gesetzt werden, so würde diese dann überschrieben werden

If the checkbox at (2) is set, exactly this configuration is set on all clients.

If a different configuration should be set manually on a client, it would be overwritten


Vorkonfiguration des Clients erzwingen

Force pre-configuration of the client


Ist diese Checkbox gesetzt, so gelten die Einstellungen bei (1) auf allen Clients  

If this checkbox is set, the settings at (1) apply to all clients  


Die Einstellungen unter (1) und (2) werden gespeichert und aktiv

The settings under (1) and (2) are saved and activated


Satellitenlizenzen: Gesamt und in Benutzung

Satellite licenses: Total and in use


Zeigt die Gesamtzahl aller Satellitenlizenzen auf dem Server und die Anzahl der registrierten Satelliten

Shows the total number of satellite licenses on the server and the number of registered satellites


Letzte Synchronisation

Last synchronization


Zeigt den letzten Zeitpunkt zu dem sich der Satellit am Master gemeldet hat. Liegt dieser Zeitpunkt sehr weit in der Vergangenheit ist der Satellit vermutlich nicht mehr am Netz

Shows the last time the satellite has reported to the master. If this time is very far in the past, the satellite is probably no longer connected to the network


The list of clients is updated. Here you can see when which client has synchronized last.


Entfernt den ausgewählten Satelliten. Dieser kann sich dann nicht mehr anmelden und synchronisieren

Removes the selected satellite. The satellite can then no longer log on and synchronize


Hat man in der Liste einen Client ausgewählt und drückt auf diesen Knopf, so geht dass Verzeichnis mit den Logdateien dieses Clients auf, falls man sich auf dem Server befindet. Ansonsten kommt ein Hinweisdialog, der anzeigt in welchem Verzeichnis auf dem Server die Logdateien des Clients liegen.

If you have selected a client in the list and press this button, the directory with the log files of this client will open,
if you are on the server. Otherwise you will get a hint dialog, which shows in which directory on the server the log files of the client are located.

Konfiguration am Client   Configuration on the client

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Taste Key





was developed, with which different connection options can be displayed and selected. Since this is a full-screen application, it is suitable for systems that are not used for other applications. You can find more information about the custo diagnostic starter on the following page: custo diagnostic starter.

Preparation / required information

For a later installation you need

  • Determination of deployment scenarios and data synchronization
  • License for master server / satellite server
  • Supervisor Password for Master Server

Deployment scenarios and data synchronization

Prior to installation / configuration, the essential cornerstones of the deployment scenario / data synchronization must be defined. The exact configuration depends on the customer's requirements. At this point, we provide decision guidance on the crucial issues. Even if the actual configuration of the synchronization options will be done later, the discussion with the user or the definition of the desired scenario should be done at the beginning, and is therefore already presented here. Later on, only the transfer of the specification into the system takes place. 

The following synchronization options are available - you will find a decision basis for their activation below:

  • Tenants: All Tenants of the master system are downloaded and the corresponding links (users, patients, etc.) are set. Should be used if the master system runs with clients.
  • Doctors: The doctors of the master system are downloaded and the corresponding links are set (users, patients, evaluations). If this feature is used on the master system, it should be synchronized as well.
  • Devices: The devices are downloaded and the corresponding links to the waiting room list entries are set. If this feature is used on the master system, it should be synchronized as well.
  • Patients: The patients and their attributes are synchronized.
  • Orders: The orders are synchronized, In this case, the related patients are synchronized automatically, even the general patient sync is not activated.
  • Users: The users are also synchronized, including their passwords.
  • Configuration: The client configuration is synchronized. (see below)
  • Job status: If the status of a job changes, the master system is informed.
  • Upload evaluations: The evaluations are uploaded and created in the master system. If the patient does not exist in the master system, he will be created (including his doctor). Nothing else is created (orders, devices, etc.)!
  • Delete evaluation after uploading: The delete flag is set at the evaluation after uploading. Deleted evaluations are no longer synchronized with the master system.
  • Print jobs on server
  • Log files of the client system

Synchronization of patient master data

Basically, the question must be answered whether patient data should/must be available on the satellite system. In many cases it is sufficient to record ECGs in the satellite mode (as so-called "Quick ECG"), to annotate them and to assign them to the corresponding patient after synchronization in the master system. The disadvantage is the step of "assigning" in the master system. But the workflow is otherwise very simple, since this can be started directly, e.g. via appropriate command line parameters. Furthermore, in GDT-based systems the patient may not be available in the custo diagnostic system (house call) and the result cannot be transferred back via GDT. Even in large practice groups it is often desired not to keep all patient names on a system that leaves the practice.

Also in the hospital it has to be checked if it makes sense to synchronize all patient data on the satellite: If you work with a job workflow, the patient data is always synchronized with a job (even if the general patient synchronization is switched off), if the system is rather used as a backup system for network failures, you are very flexible with the immediate ECG and later assignment, because many scenarios can be mapped with one workflow (master server not accessible, patient data unknown, complete failure of the infrastructure). 

Synchronization of orders, clients, doctors, devices

As a rule, this information should always be synchronized - even if this information is apparently not affected.  The reason is that evaluations always have a number of references to this information. If this information is not available in the satellite system, or if it deviates due to manual configuration, it can lead to inconsistencies. 

Delete evaluations after uploading

This setting is recommended from a technical perspective. In principle, it is a sensible approach to keep as little data as possible on a mobile system. Furthermore, deleting avoids conflict situations in the data.  If, for example, an evaluation is processed and synchronized on the satellite, which has already been evaluated in the central system, the data status in the central system is overwritten and lost.  It is therefore recommended to delete the evaluations from the satellite. 

Server export

As a rule, exports should also be performed by the master server within a satellite system. 

Download configuration

A central configuration - or downloading the configuration from the master server - means that the workstation configuration is initially identical, regardless of whether the client is started in satellite or network mode. This simplifies the configuration because it only has to be done once. 

Possible application scenarios


Options to be set


"Quick ECG" as a backup system (network failure) and situations where patient data is not available. 

  • Download Tenants
  • Download Users
  • Download Devices
  • Download Configuration
  • Upload Evaluations
  • Delete Evaluations after Upload

Work flow:

  • The user starts custo diagnostic in the "Quick ECG" mode, i.e. the recording of the resting ECG is started without login.
  • After recording, the user enters a free text comment that allows later assignment to a patient.
  • The recording is synchronized automatically, as soon as possible from the satellite system to the master server. 
  • In the master system, the immediate ECG is assigned to a patient/order and opened, and from then on it is processed in the usual work process.

The disadvantage is the step of "assigning" in the master system. However, the workflow is otherwise very simple, as this can be started directly, for example, via appropriate command line parameters. Furthermore, in GDT-based systems the patient may not be available in the custo diagnostic system (house call) and the result cannot be transferred back via GDT. Even in large practice groups it is often desired not to keep all patient names on a system that leaves the practice. As there is no patient data on the system, no registration is necessary. 

"Home Visiting Laptops"

  • Download Patients
  • Upload Evaluations
  • Delete Evaluations after Upload (optional)

Configures a very simple system that only pulls patients from the central system and synchronizes the evaluations again when a connection is established.

Useful, for example, for so-called "home visit" laptops, where a family doctor typically visits patients at home, or drives to a home to measure blood pressure and perform lung function, or reads the LZ ECG directly.
When returning to the practice, these evaluations then end up in the main system and can be reported and billed.

If "Delete after upload" is activated, the laptop is also "cleaned" and no longer contains any important data.

Simple mobile workflow
"ECG recorder replacement"

  • Download Worklist Orders
  • Upload Order Status
  • Upload Evaluations
  • Delete Evaluations after Upload (optional)

Configures a system that "only" synchronizes the waiting room list entries with the patients. All evaluations and order statuses are highly synchronized.

If you activate "Delete after upload" the satellite is always clean after synchronization

In this configuration the satellite must / can be configured independently from the central system

Dummy ECG evaluations can also be generated and highly synchronized

Guided mobile workflow without clients
"Configuration via central "Guided mobile workflow 

  • Download Users
  • Download Configuration (optional)
  • Download Worklist Orders
  • Upload Order Status
  • Upload Evaluations
  • Delete Evaluations after Upload (optional)

Extends the "ECG recorder replacement" to users and their configurations, so the satellites can be configured centrally and the settings are rolled out to the satellites when they synchronize

Complete mobile system

  • Download Tenants
  • Download Users
  • Download Patients
  • Download Configuration
  • Download Worklist Orders
  • Upload Order Status
  • Upload Evaluations
  • Delete Evaluations after Upload (optional)

Extends the workflow to include synchronization of all patients.

The satellite then has the complete patient database after synchronization. This means that work can be carried out with or without orders, and the assignment to the central system is retained.

Branch practice / Second practice

  • Upload Evaluations

In this mode, all evaluations are uploaded from the "store system" / "secondary practice" to the main system without the user having to worry about them.

The branch systems are independent of the main system and are not interested in their patients, users or configuration.

If findings are updated in the "Branch System", they are also synchronized and the main system has the latest status of all its branches

Replaces then the dial-up crutch and other handicraft solutions

Export and printing

In a networked environment, the master server is equipped with a number of interfaces. The satellite system supports the server export, i.e. it marks the data transferred to the master server in such a way that after successful synchronization the data is also exported from the master server. In principle, this procedure should be aimed at, because it allows the existing interfaces to be used and there is no need to discuss further interface configuration with other parties. 

When printing in satellite mode, the problem arises that there is often no network available to enable printing from the satellite system. For situations without network, a local printer would have to be used. Against this background custo diagnostic in satellite mode also supports automatic printing from the master server at a later time. If the master server is configured (CSC → printer - server printer) the user can select an appropriate printer when finishing an evaluation on the satellite. The printout is then generated by the master server as soon as the synchronization has been completed. 

Identical or individual satellite system configuration

If you operate several satellite systems on one master server, you can decide whether all satellite systems can be configured identically with regard to the aforementioned data synchronization options or whether all systems can be configured differently.  To keep the administrative effort low, an identical configuration is recommended. 

With an identical configuration, you can perform the data synchronization options centrally on the server. 

An individual satellite system configuration can be done in the CSC of the satellite server. (When starting the CSC, the corresponding URL or server can be set). 


With the order number 50711 you will receive all licenses necessary for the operation of an additional satellite.

These are for the master server:

  • Support of a further satellite 
  • 2 additional network workstation licenses. (One license is used for synchronization, another if a user is using the "network mode". These licenses are automatically permanently assigned to the workstation).

For the satellite server is included:

  • License for operating a server
  • License for operation as Sat-Client
    2 network workstation licenses. (This allows simultaneous use of custo diagnostic manager and Custo Service Center). These licenses are automatically assigned to the workstation.

Installation and configuration

Installation of a custo diagnostic server on the satellite PC / server

Install the custo diagnostic server on the satellite PC like a normal server installation. (Usually a mariaDB is used).

After installing the licenses you should be able to see the license option as follows: 

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Install a custo diagnostic client on the satellite PC in the usual way.

Note: Each satellite must have a unique workstation name.  Therefore do not overwrite the workstation name with an identical name in the CustoCfg.ini if there are several satellites. 

Installing the satellite options on the master server

After importing the licenses you should see the number of licensed satellite systems on the master server:

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Configuration of the central system

A configuration of the central system is not absolutely necessary. However, default settings for the clients can be made here. Furthermore, the page in the CSC shows when which client last synchronized (4) and you can look at the log files of the client if you are at the server (5).

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Preconfiguration of the client

If the checkbox at (2) is set, exactly this configuration is set on all clients.

If a different configuration should be set manually on a client, it would be overwritten


Force pre-configuration of the client

If this checkbox is set, the settings at (1) apply to all clients  

3Save Configuration

The settings under (1) and (2) are saved and activated


Satellite licenses: Total and in use

Shows the total number of satellite licenses on the server and the number of registered satellites


Last synchronization

Shows the last time the satellite has reported to the master. If this time is very far in the past, the satellite is probably no longer connected to the network


The list of clients is updated. Here you can see when which client has synchronized last.

7Deactivate / Activate

Removes the selected satellite. The satellite can then no longer log on and synchronize

8Show Logfile Directory

If you have selected a client in the list and press this button, the directory with the log files of this client will open,
if you are on the server. Otherwise you will get a hint dialog, which shows in which directory on the server the log files of the client are located.

Configuration on the client

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Taste Key



1Register / Re-register

Use this button to register the satellite server with the master server (see below)

Important: Configure the synchronization options before you Register your satellite.


Performs a complete resynchronization 

3Remove Registration

Deletes the existing connection to the central system


Configurations for satellite system

Sets which entities should be synchronized


Updates the list of statuses, here you can see if there are any errors and what is synchronized in the last synchronization step

Registering the satellite server with the master server and initial synchronization

Use the Register New button to register the satellite with the master server and perform the first synchronization. It is important that the appropriate settings have been made beforehand to determine which data should be synchronized. 

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Here you can set the time from which the first synchronization for patients and orders should be carried out and from which modification date evaluations should be uploaded.

If you do not need all data on the satellite, but only the orders from this week on, it makes sense to enter a date not far in the past to speed up the first synchronization

Configuration of the status button 

The status button then has the following states:




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There are still 7 evaluations not synchronized and the central server is not available

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There are still 7 evaluations not highly synchronized, but the central server is accessible

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There are no evaluations for synchronization, the central server is accessible

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There are no evaluations for synchronization, the central server is not available

With version 5.5 and above the status Button is shown automatically. 

Configuration of the central print job

In order to print from the satellite to the server printer, printing on the server (Drucken am Server) must first be set up in the master system. These settings are then automatically transferred to the satellite system.

In the satellite system only the option "Do Server Printouts on Master" has to be configured, then the print jobs are automatically uploaded during synchronization

Print jobs are marked in the satellite with an evaluation attribute (UploadServerPrintJob).

After successful configuration on the satellite, the server printers set up in the master system can be used in the quit dialog, as described for printing on the server (Drucken am Server).

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Configuration of the Central Export


Über diese Schaltfläche wird der Satelliten-Server am Master-Server registriert (siehe unten)

Wichtig: Vorher einstellen welche Sachen synchronisiert werden sollen

Use this button to register the satellite server with the master server (see below)

Important: Set before which things should be synchronized


Führt eine komplette Resynchronisation aus (Siehe auch Zeitraum der Synchronisation)

Performs a complete resynchronization (see also Synchronization Period)


Löscht die bestehende Verbindung zum zentralen System

Deletes the existing connection to the central system


Konfigurationen für Sat-System

Configurations for satellite system


Stellt ein, welche Entitäten synchronisiert werden sollen, siehe auch Mögliche Einsatzszenarien

Sets which entities should be synchronized, see also Possible usage scenarios


Aktualisiert die Liste der Status, hier sieht man, ob Fehler passiert sind und was im letzten Synchronisationsschritt synchronisiert wird

Updates the list of statuses, here you can see if there are any errors and what is synchronized in the last synchronization step

Registrieren des Satelliten-Servers am Master Servers und Erste Synchronisation  Registering the satellite server with the master server and initial synchronization

Über die Schaltfläche Neu-Registrieren  melden Sie den Satelliten am Master-Server an, und führen die erste Synchronisation durch. Wichtig ist, dass vorher die entsprechenden Einstellungen vorgenommen wurden, welche Daten synchronisiert werden sollen. 

Use the Register New button to register the satellite with the master server and perform the first synchronization. It is important that the appropriate settings have been made beforehand to determine which data should be synchronized. 

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Hier kann eingestellt werden, ab welchem Zeitpunkt die erste Synchronisation für Patienten und Aufträge durchgeführt werden soll und ab welchem Änderungsdatum Auswertungen hochgeladen werden sollen.

Benötigt man nicht alle Daten auf dem Satelliten, sondern zum Beispiel nur die Aufträge ab dieser Woche, macht es Sinn hier ein Datum anzugeben, welches nicht weit in der Vergangenheit liegt um die Erstsynchronisation zu beschleunigen

Here you can set the time from which the first synchronization for patients and orders should be carried out and from which modification date evaluations should be uploaded.

If you do not need all data on the satellite, but only the orders from this week on, it makes sense to enter a date not far in the past to speed up the first synchronization

Konfiguration des Statusbuttons    Configuration of the status button 

Ist ein Client mit dem Satelliten-System verbunden, informiert der Status-Button über den Zustand der Synchronisation. (In der vorliegenden Software-Version muss dieser Benuterz und Workstationsspezifisch aktiviert werden unter System → Arbeitsstation → Status Button. In späteren Programmversionen wird dieser Button vssl. automatisch aktiv sein). 

If a client is connected to the satellite system, the status button informs about the status of the synchronization. (In the current software version, this user and workstation specific activation must be done under System → Workstation → Status Button. In later program versions this button will be active automatically). 

Der Statusbutton hat dann folgende Zustände:

The status button then has the following states:








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Es sind noch 7 Auswertungen nicht hochsynchronisiert und der zentrale Server ist nicht erreichbar

There are still 7 evaluations not synchronized and the central server is not available


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Es sind noch 7 Auswertungen nicht hochsynchronisiert, aber der zentrale Server ist erreichbar

There are still 7 evaluations not highly synchronized, but the central server is accessible


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Es stehen keine Auswertungen zur Sychronisation an, der zentrale Server ist erreichbar

There are no evaluations for synchronization, the central server is accessible


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Es stehen keine Auswertungen zur Sychronisation an, der zentrale Server ist nicht erreichbar

There are no evaluations for synchronization, the central server is not available

Konfiguration des Zentralen Druckauftrag  Configuration of the central print job

Um vom Satelliten auf dem Serverdrucker drucken zu können, muss zunächst im Mastersystem das Drucken am Server eingerichtet werden. Diese Einstellungen werden dann automatisch an das Satellitensystem übertragen.

Im Satellitensystem muss nur die Option "Do Server Printouts on Master" konfiguriert werden, dann werden die Druckaufträge beim synchronisieren automatisch hochgeladen

Druckaufträge werden im Satelliten mit einem Auswertungsattribut (UploadServerPrintJob) gekennzeichnet .

Nach erfolgreicher Konfiguration auf dem Satelliten können die im Mastersystem eingerichteten Serverdrucker im Beendendialog verwendet werden, wie auch beim Drucken am Server beschrieben.

In order to print from the satellite to the server printer, printing on the server must first be set up in the master system. These settings are then automatically transferred to the satellite system.

In the satellite system only the option "Do Server Printouts on Master" has to be configured, then the print jobs are automatically uploaded during synchronization

Print jobs are marked in the satellite with an evaluation attribute (UploadServerPrintJob).

After successful configuration on the satellite, the server printers set up in the master system can be used in the quit dialog, as described for printing on the server.

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Konfiguration des Zentraler Exports   Configuration of the Central Export

Es ist möglich vom Satelliten aus die zentralen Exportservices zu benutzen, ohne sie auf dem Satelliten nochmal separat konfigurieren zu müssen. Für den Anwender erscheint bei korrekter Konfiguration im Endedialog der "Normale" Exportworkflow. Wird vom Satelliten aus exportiert, wird die Auswertung während der Synchronisation hochgeladen und im nächsten Zyklus dann exportiert.

Um vom Satelliten aus im zentralen System exportieren zu können müssen mindestens folgende Satellitenoptionen aktiviert sein:

  • Auswertung hochladen
  • Serverexport auf Master durchführen
  • PDF auf master hochladen (optional, wenn ein PDF exportiert werden soll)


It is possible to use the central export services from the satellite without having to configure them again separately on the satellite. If the configuration is correct, the "Normal" export workflow appears in the end dialog for the user. When exporting from the satellite, the evaluation is uploaded during synchronization and then exported in the next cycle.


Upload Evaluation
Perform server export to master
Upload PDF to master (optional if a PDF is to be exported)
The export option "Server" must be active on the Satellite Client



Sollen PDF-Dokumente exportiert werden, müssen pro Projekt die entsprechenden Einstellungen gesetzt werden


  • Zusammenfassender Ausdruck
  • Eingestellter PDF-Export

Im Ausdruck (Kontext PDF-Export):


of PDF documents

If PDF documents are to be exported, the corresponding settings must be set for each project

PDF export:

Summarized printout
Configured PDF export
In the printout (context PDF export):

The desired print pages

Schedule, Logging 

Synchronisationszeitpunkt   Synchronization time


PDF export:

Summarized printout
Configured PDF export
In the printout (context PDF export):

The desired print pages

Schedule, Logging 

Synchronization time

By default, the system tries to synchronize once a minute (see "Synchronization" in CSC->Tasks/Scheduler), if this does not work, a corresponding status is entered. It may happen that partial synchronizations succeed (e.g. only patients, but no tasks). The synchronization is designed in a way that no inconsistencies can occur.
Evaluations are only sent "en bloc", i.e. no inconsistencies can occur here either. The evaluations are always sent completely.



of the satellite


Aktiviert man das Hochladen der Logdateien, werden alle Logdateien des Clients aus %PUBLIC%/Roaming/customed auf den Server hochgeladen. Diese sind dann zu finden unter:

If you activate the upload of log files, all log files of the client from %PUBLIC%/Roaming/customed will be uploaded to the server. These can then be found under:




The server zips its log file once a day as a gzip file. This file is then loaded into the same directory as the log files of the client
