
This article describes haw to configure individual information blocks in cardiac rehab training overview page


All information blocks (A and B in the picture below) can be configured individually.  These can be set individually for each exercise station or identically for all exercise stations. For the case that all training places have the same type of equipment (e.g. all only ergometers) it makes more sense to configure all information blocks identically. 


Settings of the information block

The information block has two main setting options:

  • Layout 
  • Content

Layout settings

The information block is divided into 4 areas, their arrangement and size can be freely configured. To illustrate the division of the fields, the following pictures have dashed lines, these lines can only be seen in the setting. Possible settings are: 


4 smal fields, with smal digits

2 large fields one above the other with large digits

3 fields of which 2 are small and one large field below

3 fields of which 2 are small and one large field above

Content settings

Each individual field within the information block can have one of the following values:

current HRThis is the current heart rate of the patient and is always updated when it changes
Rest HRThis is the patient's resting heart rate, measured during the first 10 seconds of training.
HR-DifferenceIs the current difference between the training puls and the current heart reate of the patient
HR-Limit valueIs the maximum heart rate set individually for the patient
Time in stageIs the current time in min:sec format in the current training phase
Remaining Time in stageIs the remaining time in min:sec format in the current training phase
Total timeIs the total training time in min:sec format
Remaining timeIs the total remaining time of training in min:sec format
RotationIs the current rotation at the ergometer
Current loadIs the current load value at the training device
Time till next BP measurementThe remining time min:sec format until the next automatic blood pressure measurement is triggered
Burned claloriesThe total amount of calories burned so far in training 
CG adresscusto guard adress
guard labelingindividual labeling text of custo guard
CG radio qualitythe signal quality in % valus of custo guard radio connection
Total record timeThe complete recording time, this includes also the times which were already recorded before the training start.  The ECG signal and the HR values are recorded before the start of the training and can be displayed separately later in the evaluation display.
Total distancIs the distance covered on the treadmill during the workout 
SPO2 valueIs the current SPO2 value ( if avaible) of the patient
Lactate valueIs the current lactate value ( if avaible) of the patient
max. Watt/kgThe quotient of the maximum load and the patient's weight
min. Watt/kgThe quotient of the minimum load and the patient's weight
Ø Watt/kgThe quotient of the mean load and the patient's weight
initial SPO2The initial SPO2 value at the beginning of the workout
min. MET
Target loadIs the last load value transmitted to the ergometer
current percentage HR change
comulativ number of VPB's
remaining time in the rangeIs the remaining time in the current stage of an free training profile in min:sec format
Name of exercise device
Watts limitIs the Watts limit value of the patient
ECG signal qualityIs the current ECG signal quality score value, see also alerting bad ECG signal quality
current ECG signal quality valueIs the calculated current ECG signal quality value, see also alerting bad ECG signal quality
Birthday of patient
Age of patient
Remark field of patient
Watt-limit settings
Load ceiling settings
Load settingLoad adjustment control. The selection of the load control only makes sense for large fields. This control allows you to set up and down the current load on the Ergometer.
Speed settingsSpeed and inlination adjustment control. The selection of the speed control only makes sense for large fields. This control allows you to set up and down the current speed/inclination on the treadmill.
Exercise control keyA separate button for each exercise staion to control its training. Start/Stop und next training section.
Borgcurrent Borg value
HR controlling stateA graphical representation of the automatic HR control in case of HR controllen trainings

Settings page

The settings page can be found in cardiac rehab settings General → Display 1.   



Selects the the of settings

  •  individually for each exercise station
  • identically for all exercise stations


Selects the desired information block you want to set

  • right to ECG view filed on overview page
  • right to training view fild on overview page
  • upper right corner on each enlarged display
CLayout selection
DSelection of the individual fields depending on the selected layout

  • No labels