
The article describes which types of exercise training are available in rehab. Training type means, how the patient is organized with the training places, whether as a group, by individual selection or as group with Smart Cards.

Description of the Exercise Types:

Rehab Group with Smart Card

The patients are grouped together. They come as Group, make a Training as Group, leave as Group. But every Patient can be choose his Exercise Station individually either by placing the Patient via Context Menu in the Software by the Trainer or the Patient identify himself due to insert his Smart Card into the Ergometer.

Reha Group - with Automatic positioning

Before the training the Patient is assigned to a Group. This must already have been created in advance. All patients of this Group will be automatically placed on the configured Exercise Stations. The patient get the Exercise Station Number communicated and has to use exacly this Exercise Station.

Reha Group - with Manual positioning

Before the training the Patient is assigned to a Group. This must already have been created in advance. Every patient of this Group must be placed on the Exercise Stations by drag an drop on the Exercise Station configuration page. The patient get the Exercise Station Number communicated and has to use exacly this Exercise Station.

Free Exercise with Smart Cards

The patient is individually selected for each training and has to be placed by the Trainer onto the Exercise Station via the Context Menu.