
This article describes how to proceed with the patient when his exercising is over.


After the patient has finished his rehabilitation training, he can be automatically removed from his training place or he remains there until the training page is finished. Which of these two options is the right one depends on the way you work. Therefore, it is always possible to configure one of the two procedures.


Settings are located in  Settings → Reha → General → Menu/Functions → Additinal settinfs for exercise stations. Don't forget to scroll down because setting can only be found further down in the list. 


With this setting you can decide whether

  • the patient is automatically removed after the end of his exercise
    In this case, the training area can be used immediately for the next patient. However, it is no longer possible to have a closer look at the training sessions and possibly to print out parts of them. See the setting for automatic printout after training. 
  • the patient remains seeded on the exercise staion
    In this case, the training area cannot be used immediately for another patient. However, it is possible to have a closer look at the training sessions and to print out parts of them if necessary. 

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