Here you find all possible Sections and Keys for the CustoCfg.ini.

Please consider the structure of an ini file (

Section [DiagServer]RValues
UrlRURL dfromDiag-Server's. Example.: http://localhost:8080/diag/
This is the only setting that establishes the connection between custo diagnostic and the diag server.
ClientCertificateOCertificate of the client to identify itself to the server. Must be in PEM format.
ClientKeyOThe private key matching the certificate.

Section [Start]R/O
Description / Values

Specifies the type of database

SQL = SQL database with SQL server (standard)
MDB = Microsoft® Access® database


Start language of the diag system

407 = Standard or not specified


Specifies the DATA directory

"...\custo med\DATA" = standard or not specified


Specification of the DAO version

3.6 = DAO 3.6; standard or not specified
3.5 = DAO 3.5

KonfigurationOSpecifies another INI file for the configuration. This file has the same structure as this file. This setting can be used to configure a central INI file. This file then contains all settings for the connection.
WsNameOName of the PC in the configuration database
WsName_CMOName of the PC in the configuration database when custo manager is connected. If the entry "WsName" exists, this has the higher priority.
WsName_CSCOName of the PC in the configuration database when connecting to the custo service center. If the entry "WsName" exists, this has the higher priority.
Import-CSCOWhen called, it imports the specified CSC file and removes the entry from the INI file.

Section [Demo]

Specifies whether diag runs in demo mode. There are further requirements for this (only MDB; temp directory; demo databases and evaluations; restricted operation).

0 = demo mode off; standard or not specified
1 = Demo mode on

Section [SQL-Server]

The type of SQL server involved.

MS-SQL = Microsoft® SQL-Server; standard or not specified

ServerRName of the SQL server (or \instance), port (example: SQL06\CUSTODIAGNOSTIC,1433)
DatenbankRName of the database

Type of login to the SQL server

Windows = with Windows login; default or not specified
User = with SQL user and password login

BenutzerRName of the SQL user for login (must be specified if authentication is set to "User")
PasswortRencrypted password of the SQL user for login (must be specified if authentication is set to "User")
DataPfadRPath of the data storage (cst files)

Specifies the service provider. The default setting for this value is sqloledb. Alternatively, MSOLEDBSQL can be specified here.


Default value is false. . When using "MSOLEDBSQL" and "ODBC Driver 11 for SQL Server", true must be specified here!

SqlOdbcDriverOThe default is SQL Server. Alternatively, ODBC Driver 11 for SQL Server can be specified here. To do so, the corresponding ODBC driver must be installed (e.g. "msoledbsql_18.1.0.0_x64.msi" or "msoledbsql_18.1.0.0_x86.msi")

Section [MDB-Datenbank]

PfadRPath to the configuration database
DatenbankRName of the configuration database file (custobase.mdb)
DataPfadOpath of the data storage (cst files), if not specified, "path" is used

Section [Einstellungen]

Wartezeit bei KonfliktenO

Waiting time for conflicts within the database accesses. This setting is only relevant for MDB databases.

200 = waiting time in ms; default or not specified

Wiederholung TestO

Time between repetitions of the stress test in the CSC.

1000 = waiting time in ms; default or not specified

automatische SicherungO

Every time diag is started, it checks whether a backup file exists for the current day. If not, the configuration database is saved. This setting is only relevant for MDB databases.

0 = do not perform automatic backup
1 = perform automatic backup; default or not specified

automatisches WiederherstellenO

If the configuration database is found to be defective when diag is started, the last valid backup is restored. This setting is only relevant for MDB databases.

0 = do not perform automatic recovery
1 = perform automatic recovery; default or not specified


Callups to the configuration database are logged. This setting is only relevant for MDB databases and is no longer recommended. It is only used for troubleshooting.

0 = Do not log; default or not specified
1 = Perform logging


Information is entered in the Session.ini file, which contains who calls what and when and how to exit. This setting is only relevant for MDB databases and is no longer recommended. It is only used for troubleshooting.

0 = Do not make entries; default or not specified
1 = Make entries


1 (default) = on; a connection to the database is established and checks in it whether an AutoUpdate should be performed.

0 = off; No connection to the database is established at diag start. Therefore an AutoUpdate can never be performed.

AdoNofReconnectO0 (default); number of retries in the event of a faulty connection to the database. Only affects the connection setup for AutoUpdate (ADO interface).

0 = disabled (default)

1 = In HideMode the progress bar is not displayed. On some PCs (mostly with Intel graphics) this progress bar will hang.

Section [Service]R/O
Description / Values
SqlProviderOReplaces the provider setting in the connection string (ADO interface with Windows login).
ConnectionStringOReplaces the complete connection string (ADO interface with Windows login)

Section [Lizenz]
CustoKeyNumOLicences Number

0 = without network; standard or not specified

1 = with network

IPAddressOIP address of the CodeMeter server

0 = without IP address; default or not specified

1 = with IP address

Section [<alternative Setting>] (for command parameter of "custo manager.exe: /configdb=<alternative Setting>")

Type which type of connection is involved.

MS-SQL = Microsoft® SQL-Server; standard or not specified

MS-Access = Microsoft® Access database (mdb)

Wenn Art=MS-SQL
ServerRName of the SQL server, or instance
DatenbankRName of the database

Logon to SQL Server

Windows = with Windows login; default or not specified
User = with SQL user and password login

BenutzerRName of the SQL user for login (must be specified if authentication is set to "User")
PasswortRencrypted password of the SQL user for login (must be specified if authentication is set to "User")
DataPfadRPath of the data storage (cst files)
Wenn Art=MS-Access
PfadRPath to the configuration database
DatenbankRName of the configuration database file (custobase.mdb)
DataPfadOpath of the data storage (cst files), if not specified, "path" is used

Section [CentralDb]  
The same entries apply here as in the [<alternative setting>] section.
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