Here you find all possible Sections and Keys for the CustoCfg.ini.

Please consider the structure of an ini file (

Section [DiagServer]R/O
Description / Values
UrlRURL of the custo diagbostic server. Example: http://localhost:8080/diag/
This is the only setting that establishes the connection between the custo diagnostic client and the custo diagnostic server.

Certificate of the client to authenticate the client on the server. Must be in PEM format.


The private Key matching the Certificate.

DescriptionOName or Description of the custo diagnostic server. (Plain text name of the custo diagnostic server for custo diagnostic starter users)

Section [DiagServerXX]ODescription / Values
XXOUp counting number for further custo diagnostic servers in this configuration (eg. [DiagServer01]). Useful for custo diagnostic starter setups.
DescriptionOName or Description of the custo diagnostic server. (Plain text name of the custo diagnostic server for custo diagnostic starter users)

Section [Start]R/O
Description / Values
WsNameOName of the PC in the configuration database
WsName_CMOName of the PC in the configuration database when custo manager is used. If the entry "WsName" exists, this has the higher priority.
WsName_CSCOName of the PC in the configuration database when custo service center is used. If the entry "WsName" exists, this has the higher priority.

Sektion [Demo]R/O
Description / Values

Specifies whether diag runs in demo mode.

0 = Demo mode off; standard or not specified
1 = Demo mode on

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