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Allgemeines zur HL7 Schnittstelle, custo diagnostic 5.6 or above,   ACK,  

nicht alle nachrichten lizenziert

short description - which shows the typically used fields / options. 

hier default beschrieben,

General Data Used

Drübergehen DTM Format?



Not listed fields are ignored

Default configuration - can be confgured in some extent.

Receiving / Sending seen from custo diagnostic perspective

optional - not reuqired, in some cases must be activated in custo diagnostic.

Common Segments

MSH - Segment

Fieldo/rDefault Usage

Sending Application. 

Incoming: Expected value can be configured (default empty) in custo diagnostic and works as a filter - meaning messages with deviant content in MSH-3 are ignored.

Outgoing: Sending Application, e.g. "CUSTO" can be configured in custo diagnostic.


Sending Facility

Incoming: Expected value can be configured in custo diagnostic and works as a filter - meaning messages with deviant content in MSH-4 are ignored. 

Outgoing: Sending Application, e.g. "CUSTO" can be configured in custo diagnostic. When a tenant system (german "Mandantensystem") is configured, this field contains the information about the tenant. See "Tenant System" below. 


Receiving Application

Incoming: Expected value can be configured (default empty) in custo diagnostic and works as a filter - meaning messages with deviant content in MSH-3 are ignored.

Outgoing: Receiving Application, can be configured (default empty) in custo diagnostic e.g. "HIS".


Receiving Facility

Incoming:  Expected value can be configured in custo diagnostic and works as a filter - meaning messages with deviant content in MSH-3 are ignored.  When a tenant system (german "Mandantensystem") is configured, this field should contain the information about the tenant. See "Tenant System" below. 

Outgoing: Receiving Facility, can be configured (default empty) in custo diagnostic e.g. "HIS".

MSH-7rDate/Time Of Message, see HL7 Standard.  ##DTM##

Message Type.  By default, custo diagnostic sends Messagetype^Event^Message-Structure, e.g.  ORU^R01^ORU_R01. 

MSH-10rMessage Control ID, see HL7 Standard

Version ID, 

Outgoing: Custo diagnostic supports Version 2.3, 2.5 

##Verhalten bei eingehenden Nachrichten noch prüfen, wenn 2.7  2.9 oder 1.5 o.ä. drin steht##

MSH-13rSequence Number, see HL7 Standard
MSH-15####prüfen, sieh auch DS-840)##
MSH-16####prüfen, sieh auch DS-840)##

Character Set  ##zu prüfen##

Incoming: see Standard

Outgoing: By Default empty, ##Tatsächlich verwendetes CodeSet? ???? is used to encode message## 

PID - Segment

### Hier bitte alles aus default Mapping übernehmen.###

z.B.  PID-3,  r, Patient-ID, see HL7 Standard. PID-3-1 is used to identify the patient in custo diagnostic. It must be unique in one custo diagnostic installation, otherwise an appropriate tenant system must be used (see tenant system below).

Required sind patienten name/vorname, geburtsdatum, Patienten-nummer, geschlecht?, 

Fieldo/rDefault Usage

PID-8r ?

Administrative Sex. Supported Values are F, M, ?? Other Values are interpeted as ... 

PV1 - Segment

##bitte aus default mapping ergänzen## Ist wahrscheinlich alles optional

Auch die möglichen WErte für PV1-2 und PV1-21 wären interssant.##

Fieldo/rDefault Usage


Visit-ID. The visit id is used to identify the visit in custo diagnostic It must be unique in one custo diagnostic installation, otherwise an appropriate tenant system must be used (see tenant system below).

PV1-44oAdmission Date: custo diagnostic can store this information, even it is not shown in the user interface.  Its done for future usage.
PV1-45oDischarge Date/Time: custo diagnostic can store the discharge date/time to filter out discharged patients in patient search lists. It can be defined, how custo diagnostic interpretes an empty discharge date/time - either als missing, unknown information, or as the information, that the discharge date should be deleted in custo diagnostic. 

OBR - Segment

## bitte hier alles aus default mapping nehmen##

Fieldo/rDefault Usage
OBR-1 / OBR-5r

The combination of OBR-1 and OBR-5 can be configured as order control:

OBR-2rPlacer ID

OBR-4 contains information about the type of observation which should by executed.

OBR-4-1 is a coded value which must be defined.

OBR-4-2 when uutgoing, OBR-4-2 is shown to the user, e.g. "Resting ECG"

##bitte prüfen - when OBR-4-2 in eingehender Nachricht abweichen zur Konfiguration in "Untersuchung" - welcher Text wird dabei angezeigt - der aus der Konfig, oder der aus der Nachricht?

Patient Data Logic (ADT)

Patient / Visit Identification

custo diagnostic uses by default the patient ID from PID-3-1 and Visit-ID from PV1-19 to identify the patient/visit. In case these are not unique, an appropriate tenant system must be configured.

These IDs are processed as a string - not as an numeric value. This means - a patient "0001234" is not the same as patient "1234".  

Creating and Updating Patient / Visit information

custo diagnostic accepts by default the following message types (further message types can be defined)

##bitte Liste einfügen##

In case a patient does not exists in custo diagnostic, by default, custo diagnostic creates the patient and visit by each of theses ADT messages (except delete messages A23, A29,  ##DS-709##). For example, a patient/visit can be created in custo diagnostic by an A08 message - without any admission message.

In case a patient/visit already exists in custo diagnostic, it is updated by default by each ADT message.  (see "Null Value").

Please note, that most custo diagnostic functions assumes, that Patient and Visit IDs are present. In systems where one of these information is not available, some functions will by default not work the way they are defined by HL7. (e.g. Merging/Moving). Please contact custo med in advance, to discuss the appropriate configuration. 

Discharge Patient / Visit

When receiving a discharge message (A03) - open observation requests (orders) are deleted.  Other behavior can be configured (deletion of visit, deletation of observation etc.)

PV1-45 is used to set the discharge date of the patient.   ##bitte prüfen - ich glaube es wird nicht der zeitstempel der nachricht/des events verwnedet, sonddern eben pv1-45)

Tenant System

Tenant Systems can be configured in different ways to separate observation and/or patients/visits. 

The tenant system must be defined, by default the tenant information is expected in MSH-6 by custo diagnostic, and will be send back in MSH-4.

This must be a biunique definition, meaning one specific code for MSH-6 should point to one specific tenant and vice versa. In case several facilities should be part of one tenant in custo diagnostic, we strictly recommend to solve this on the HIS side.


Tenant (Description)
MSH-6 (code)
Sea View Hospital
Lake Hospital

By default, we send back the tenant code in MSH-4.

Order Data Logic

custo diagnostic receives orders and show them as a worklist to the users. One order is (by default) identified by the Placer Number, and may contain serveral observation requests, identified by Alternate Order ID. 

Observation Results (ORU)

Medical Document (MDM)

Physical Transport

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